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Christina Lopez

Engineering Geology by Parbin Singh: Topics, Tips, and Tools for Engineering Students and Professionals

Engineering Geology By Parbin Singh Ebook Free Download

If you are a civil engineering student or a professional who wants to learn more about the geology and its applications in engineering, you might be interested in reading Engineering Geology by Parbin Singh. This book is one of the most comprehensive and popular books on the subject, covering various topics such as the Earth, geological work of natural agencies, structural features of rocks, study of rocks, engineering properties of rocks, soils, geological investigations, dams and reservoirs, tunnels and road cuts, and improvement of sites.

Engineering Geology By Parbin Singh Ebook Free Download

But how can you get this book for free? Is it possible to download it as an ebook? What are the main topics covered in the book? In this article, we will answer these questions and provide you with some useful information about Engineering Geology by Parbin Singh ebook free download. Let's get started!

How to download the ebook for free

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  • Respect the copyright and intellectual property rights of the author and publisher. Some ebooks might be illegally uploaded or distributed without the permission of the author and publisher. You should always check the legality and legitimacy of the ebook before downloading it. You should also use the ebook for personal and educational purposes only, and not for commercial or illegal purposes.

What are the main topics covered in the book

Now that you know how to download Engineering Geology by Parbin Singh ebook for free, you might be wondering what are the main topics covered in the book. Well, the book is divided into 15 chapters, each covering a different aspect of engineering geology. Here is a brief overview of each chapter:

The Earth

This chapter introduces the basic concepts of geology, such as the origin, structure, composition, and age of the Earth. It also explains the different branches of geology, such as physical geology, historical geology, structural geology, mineralogy, petrology, stratigraphy, paleontology, economic geology, and engineering geology.

Geological work of natural agencies

This chapter describes the various natural agents that shape the Earth's surface, such as weathering, erosion, transportation, deposition, diastrophism, volcanism, metamorphism, and sedimentation. It also explains how these agents affect the engineering properties and behavior of rocks and soils.

Geological work of water

This chapter focuses on the geological work of water in different forms, such as rainwater, groundwater, rivers, lakes, glaciers, oceans, and waves. It also discusses the various landforms and deposits created by water erosion and deposition.

Geological work of glaciers

This chapter deals with the geological work of glaciers, which are masses of ice that move slowly over land. It also describes the various types of glaciers, such as continental glaciers and valley glaciers. It also explains how glaciers erode and deposit materials to form different landforms and deposits.

Structural features of rocks

This chapter explains the various structural features of rocks that result from stress and strain caused by tectonic forces. It also describes how these features affect the stability and suitability of rocks for engineering purposes. Some examples of these features are joints, faults, folds, cleavage, schistosity, lineation, unconformities, etc.

Physiographic features

This chapter describes the various physiographic features that result from the interaction of geological processes and structures with climate and vegetation. It also explains how these features influence the engineering problems and solutions in different regions. Some examples of these features are mountains, plateaus, plains, valleys, coasts, islands, etc.

The study of minerals

The study of minerals

This chapter introduces the basic concepts of mineralogy, which is the study of minerals. It also explains how minerals are classified based on their physical properties (such as color, luster, hardness, cleavage, fracture, streak, specific gravity, etc.) and their chemical composition and structure. It also describes the most common and important minerals in engineering geology, such as quartz, feldspar, mica, calcite, gypsum, halite, etc.

Study of rocks

This chapter introduces the basic concepts of petrology, which is the study of rocks. It also explains how rocks are classified based on their origin (such as igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks), texture (such as grain size, shape, arrangement, etc.), and mineral composition. It also describes the most common and important rocks in engineering geology, such as granite, basalt, sandstone, limestone, shale, marble, slate, etc.

Economic mineral deposits

This chapter deals with the economic mineral deposits that are of interest to engineers and geologists. It also explains how these deposits are formed by various geological processes (such as magmatic segregation, hydrothermal alteration, weathering and erosion, sedimentation and diagenesis, metamorphism and metasomatism, etc.). It also describes the main types of economic mineral deposits (such as metallic ores, non-metallic ores, fossil fuels, industrial minerals, etc.) and their characteristics and distribution.

Stratigraphy of India

Stratigraphy of India

This chapter provides an overview of the stratigraphy of India, which is the study of the sequence and age of rock layers. It also explains how the stratigraphy of India is correlated with the geological history and evolution of the Indian subcontinent. It also describes the main stratigraphic units of India according to the tripartite physiographic divisions of India: the peninsula, the extra-peninsula, and the Indo-Gangetic plain.

The peninsula region consists mainly of Precambrian rocks that form the basement of India. These rocks are divided into several cratons (stable blocks of ancient crust) and mobile belts (zones of deformation and metamorphism). The major cratons are Dharwar, Bastar, Singbhum, Aravalli, Bundelkhand, and Chota Nagpur. The major mobile belts are Pandyan, Eastern Ghat, Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ), and Satpura. The Precambrian rocks are overlain by sedimentary formations of Paleozoic to Cenozoic age, such as Vindhyan, Cuddapah, Pranhita-Godavari, Bhima, Kaladgi, Chhattisgarh, and Gondwana basins. The peninsula region also contains extensive volcanic rocks of Cretaceous to Paleogene age, known as the Deccan Traps.

The extra-peninsula region comprises the Himalayan mountains and the northeastern states of India. This region is characterized by complex tectonic and geologic processes that resulted from the collision of India with Eurasia since about 50 million years ago. The Himalayan rocks are divided into four tectonic zones: Trans-Himalaya, Greater Himalaya, Lesser Himalaya, and Siwalik. The Trans-Himalaya zone consists of ancient continental crust that was accreted to Asia before the collision. The Greater Himalaya zone consists of high-grade metamorphic rocks that were thrust over the Lesser Himalaya zone during the collision. The Lesser Himalaya zone consists of low-grade metamorphic and sedimentary rocks that were deformed and folded during the collision. The Siwalik zone consists of unconsolidated sediments that were deposited along the southern margin of the Himalayas. The northeastern states of India are part of the Indo-Burma Ranges, which are formed by subduction and accretion along the eastern margin of India.

The Indo-Gangetic plain is a vast alluvial plain that covers most of northern India and parts of Pakistan and Bangladesh. This plain is formed by the deposition of sediments carried by the Indus, Ganga, and Brahmaputra rivers and their tributaries. The sediments range in age from Quaternary to Holocene (about 2.6 million years ago to present) and vary in thickness from a few meters to several kilometers. The Indo-Gangetic plain is an important agricultural region and also contains significant groundwater resources.

Engineering properties of rocks

This chapter explains the various engineering properties of rocks that are relevant for civil engineering projects such as dams, tunnels, bridges, roads, foundations, etc. It also describes how these properties are measured and evaluated by various methods and tests. Some examples of these properties are strength, deformability, durability, permeability, porosity, density, seismic velocity, etc.



This chapter deals with groundwater, which is water that occurs below the ground surface in pores and fractures of rocks and soils. It also explains how groundwater is formed by infiltration and recharge from precipitation and surface water sources. It also describes how groundwater flows under hydraulic gradients and how it interacts with geologic structures and materials. It also discusses how groundwater is exploited for various purposes such as drinking water supply, irrigation, industrial use, geothermal energy, etc.

Groundwater is an important resource for many regions of the world, especially in arid and semi-arid areas where surface water is scarce or unreliable. Groundwater can provide a reliable and high-quality source of water that is less vulnerable to pollution and climate change than surface water. However, groundwater exploitation also poses some challenges and risks, such as overexploitation, depletion, salinization, contamination, land subsidence, etc. Therefore, groundwater management requires a careful assessment of the availability, quality, and sustainability of groundwater resources, as well as the protection of groundwater-dependent ecosystems and human health.


This chapter explains the various aspects of soils that are relevant for engineering geology. It also describes how soils are formed by weathering and pedogenesis from parent rocks and materials. It also explains how soils are classified based on their physical, chemical, and mineralogical properties. It also describes the most common and important soil types in engineering geology, such as clay, silt, sand, gravel, loam, etc.

Geological investigations

This chapter describes the various methods and techniques of geological investigations that are used for engineering purposes. It also explains how geological investigations are planned and executed according to the objectives and requirements of each project. It also describes the main types of geological investigations (such as desk study, field survey, drilling, sampling, testing, etc.) and their applications (such as site selection, foundation design, slope stability analysis, groundwater assessment, etc.).

Dams and reservoirs

Dams and reservoirs

This chapter deals with dams and reservoirs, which are structures that are built to store and regulate water for various purposes such as irrigation, hydroelectric power generation, water supply, flood control, recreation, etc. It also explains how dams and reservoirs are designed and constructed according to the geologic and hydrologic conditions of each site. It also describes the main types of dams (such as gravity dams, arch dams, buttress dams, embankment dams, etc.) and their advantages and disadvantages. It also discusses the environmental and social impacts of dams and reservoirs on the natural and human systems.

Dams and reservoirs are among the most common and important engineering structures in the world. They provide many benefits for human society, such as water security, renewable energy, economic development, etc. However, dams and reservoirs also pose some challenges and risks, such as dam failure, sedimentation, evaporation, water quality deterioration, habitat loss, displacement of people, etc. Therefore, dams and reservoirs require a careful planning and management that balance the needs and interests of various stakeholders and minimize the negative impacts on the environment and society.

Tunnels and road cuts

This chapter deals with tunnels and road cuts, which are structures that are built to create passages through or across natural barriers such as mountains or valleys. Tunnels are underground passages that are excavated or bored through rocks or soils. Road cuts are open passages that are created by removing rocks or soils from slopes or hillsides. Both tunnels and road cuts are used for transportation purposes such as roads, railways, pipelines, etc. They also can be used for other purposes such as mining, water supply, waste disposal, etc.

Tunnels and road cuts are challenging engineering structures that require a thorough understanding of the geologic conditions of each site. They also require a careful design and construction that ensure the stability and safety of the structures and prevent the occurrence of hazards such as landslides, rockfalls, subsidence, flooding, fire, etc. They also require a regular maintenance and monitoring that detect and correct any defects or damages that might affect the performance and durability of the structures.

Improvement of sites

Improvement of sites

This chapter deals with improvement of sites, which are techniques that are used to modify or enhance the geologic conditions of a site for engineering purposes. Improvement of sites can be done for various reasons such as increasing the bearing capacity or reducing the settlement of soils, increasing the strength or reducing the permeability of rocks, preventing or reducing the effects of hazards such as earthquakes or landslides, etc. Improvement of sites can be done by various methods such as compaction or consolidation of soils, grouting or injection of cement or chemical agents into rocks or soils, reinforcement or stabilization of slopes or foundations with geosynthetics or anchors, etc.

Improvement of sites is an important aspect of engineering geology that can help to overcome the limitations or challenges posed by the natural geologic conditions of a site. Improvement of sites can also help to reduce the cost and time of construction and maintenance of engineering structures. However, improvement of sites also requires a careful evaluation and selection of the most suitable and effective method for each site and project. Improvement of sites also requires a proper execution and supervision of the chosen method to ensure its quality and performance.


In this article, we have discussed Engineering Geology by Parbin Singh ebook free download and what are the main topics covered in the book. We have also provided some tips and precautions for downloading ebooks from various websites. We hope that this article has been informative and helpful for you.

Engineering Geology by Parbin Singh is a comprehensive and popular book on engineering geology that covers various topics such as the Earth, geological work of natural agencies, structural features of rocks, study of rocks, engineering properties of rocks, soils, geological investigations, dams and reservoirs, tunnels and road cuts, and improvement of sites. The book is suitable for civil engineering students and professionals who want to learn more about the geology and its applications in engineering.

If you are interested in reading Engineering Geology by Parbin Singh ebook for free, you can try to find it on some websites that offer free ebooks. However, you should always check the quality and accuracy of the ebook, be careful of viruses and malware, respect the copyright and intellectual property rights of the author and publisher, and use the ebook for personal and educational purposes only.

If you want to learn more about engineering geology and related topics, you can also check out some other books and resources that are available online or offline. Some examples are:

  • Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 8: Preservation of Cultural Heritage by Giorgio Lollino et al.

  • Principles Of Engineering Geology by K.M. Bangar

  • Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 1: Climate Change and Engineering Geology by Giorgio Lollino et al.

  • Engineering Geology: Rock Mechanics by Richard E. Goodman

  • Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science by Gilbert M. Masters and Wendell P. Ela

We hope that you have enjoyed reading this article and learned something new about engineer


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